Monday, 24 February 2020

Inside Hard Disk

Hard Disk

How CPU Works

How CPU Works


Introduction to the First Program that is going to 
Execute when you Boot your PC

Why OS ?

Super Video to Understand Why OS

100 Questions

100 Questions 

1.            Mention all the different views of O.S.
2.            List the different types of O.S. and compare them
3.            What is Distributed O.S.? Mention its advantages and disadvantages
4.            Explain what is Real Time O.S. and how many types are there, explain.
5.            What is multiprogramming ? Explain with its advantages.
6.            Name the different system components, mentioning the function of each. Define System Call.
7.            What are system programs and their functions ?
8.            What are different types of system structures, compare them.
9.            What is layered approach? Explain.
10.       What is a virtual machine? How it is useful in a system?
11.       Explain the client-server architecture.
12.       Define what is a process. Explain the different states of a process.
13.       What is a PCB? Why is it required?
14.       Why a process scheduling is necessary in a system?
15.       How many types of queues are required to be maintained during scheduling? Explain.
16.       What is a medium term scheduler?
17.       Why a long term scheduler cannot be used for CPU scheduling?
18.       Explain the need for context switching with respect to processes scheduling.
19.       How many operations a process consists of ? explain..
20.       Why co-operating nature of processes is required in a system? How is it useful?
21.       What is the need for thread concept in a system?  How is it different from a process?
22.       How the co-operating processes can establish communication link among them?
23.       What is an IPC? Why it is required in a system?
24.       Give an example of message based operating system and discuss.
25.       What are the different types of queues present in a system?
26.       Explain the need for a proper job mixing before scheduling.
27.       Give a comparison of all the CPU scheduling algorithm

28.       Consider the given job mixing
a.            Process           BT       Priority
b.            P1                    8          2
c.            P2                    2          1
d.            P3                    3          3
e.            P4                    5          4

f.             Processes are arrived in P1, P2, P3, P4 order all at time 0.
29.       With a Gnatt chart, illustrate the execution of these processes using FCFS, SJF, non-preemptive priority and RR (Quantum=2) scheduling.
30.       Find the turnaround time for all scheduling methods in part(a)
31.       Find out the wait time for all scheduling methods in part(a).
32.       Find out which method results in minimum average wait time.

33.       Explain how quantum selection in RR scheduling affects scheduling.
34.       When multilevel feedback queue scheduling is required. Explain.
35.       Compare the 3 scheduling algorithm evaluation methods. Justify which is more accurate.
36.       Why process synchronization is requires in a system? Justify your answer.
37.       What is a critical region, and what do you men by critical region problem. ?
38.       Write an algorithm to overcome all the problems of critical section; explaining how each problem is met.
39.       Is it possible to use hardware instructions to solve critical region problem ? Explain.
40.       What is semaphore ? Name its types. Why it is required?
41.       What are classical synchronization problems and how they are useful for a system? Explain.
42.       How can you use high level constructs to achieve synchronization solutions? Explain. Is it possible to overcome all the problems?
43.       What is a monitor? How it is used to implement synchronization solution ?
44.       The sleeping-barber problem – A barber shop consists of a waiting room with ‘n’ chairs and the barber room consists barber chair.  If there are no customers to be server, barber goes to sleep. If a customer enters the shop and all the chairs are occupied, customer leaves the shop.  If the barber is busy, but chairs are available, then customers sits in the free chairs. If the barber is asleep, customer wakes up the barber.            Write a program to co-ordinate the barber and the customer.
45.       Write a monitor to implement the barber-customer problem as in Q9.
46.       What are deadlocks?
47.       Which are the four conditions that hold deadlock?
48.       What are resource allocation graphs? Explain.
49.       Discuss the different ways of deadlock management.
50.       Explain how deadlocks may be prevented.
51.       What do you understand by deadlock avoidance?
52.       Discuss safe state of a system.,
53.       Explain how resource allocation graphs may be used to find safe or unsafe state of a system.
54.       Discuss the Banker’s algorithm.
55.       Write short note on the following
a.            Deadlock Detection      b)   Deadlock recovery
56.       Explain what is address binding.
57.       Give the difference between
a.            Logical and Physical Addressing
b.            Internal and External Fragmentation
58.       Explain the different allocation algorithms.
59.       How is pages different from partitions? Explain with example.
60.       What is segmentation? How is it useful?
61.       Explain MULTICS systems.
62.       What is virtual memory and its advantages?
63.       Why page replacement algorithm is required? Explain the types with examples. Compare them.
64.       What is “Allocation of frames” and discuss the criterions?
65.       Discuss the demand segmentation.
66.       Compare the file with other storage medias.
67.       Some system keep track of the file type and others leave it to the user or may not implement multiple file types. Which is better among the three mentioned above?
68.       Explain the open and close operations purpose.
69.       Describe the protection problem that could arise and suggest a scheme of dealing with such problems. How would you specify this problem in Unix?
70.       Consider a system where free space is kept in a free space list.
a.            Suppose of the pointer to that free space list is lost, can the system reconstruct the free-space list. Explain
b.            Give a scheme to ensure that the pointer is never lost as memory fails.
71.       Name the problem that could occur when file system needs to be mounted simultaneously iat more than one location in a system.
72.       Why the bit map for file allocation cannot be kept on main memory.
73.       Explain internal and external fragmentation on a storage device with respect to file system.
74.       Explain how caches help in performance improvement and why system cannot use larger cache, even though they are useful.
75.       When is it advisable to use a RAM disk than a disk cache.
76.       What is backup and why it is required? Explain with an example.
77.       What is the need for a secondary storage in a system and how it is structured?
78.       Why is disk scheduling required? Justify your answer.
79.       Discuss the different scheduling techniques with respect to optimization achieved.
80.       Assuming a disk drive with 1000 cylinders, numbered from 0-999, abd drive currently serving a request at cylinder 200 and queue of pending requests in FIFO order as
                          i.                  86, 913, 948, 1320, 600, 755, 849, 525, 356
b.            Calculate the total distance in cylinders the arm moves to satisfy pending requests for the following disk-scheduling methods.
c.            (i)        FCFS   (ii)  SSTF  (iii)  SCAN    (iv) C-SCAN
81.       What are the trade-offs involved in rereading code pages from the file system versus using swap space to store them.
82.       Explain why swap-space is needed in a system and its relative points.
83.       In what way the operating system is responsible for disk management. Explain with different aspects.
84.       How do you improve disk reliability and why it is needed?
85.       Compare the secondary storage with primary storage system with respect to all the necessary aspects.
86.       Differentiate between capability and access lists.
87.       Discuss the features needed in a system for efficient capability manipulation. And justify whether it can be used in memory protection.
88.       If a shared stack is used for parameter passing, what kind of protection problem may arise.
89.       Explain why is it difficult to protect a system, where the users are allowed to perform their own I/O.
90.       List the relative merits with respect to enforcement based on kernel and provided by  a compiler.
91.       Why security is must in a system? What are security problems discuss ?
92.       How many password types are there name and explain them.
93.       When Trojan horse is needed.
94.       What is worms and viruses in a system?
95.       Explain encryption in a system.
96.       Write the main features of Windows NT architecture.
97.       What are the main design principles? Discuss.
98.       With a neat block diagram explain the different system components in brief.
99.       Explain the virtual memory concept in Windows NT with neat figure.
100.   Name the different environmental subsystems and explain them.
101.   How Recovery is achieved in Windows NT file system?
102.   Name the different protocols supported by Windows NT networking and explain.
103.   How is inter-process communication achieved in Windows NT System.
104.   How is object sharing implemented in Windows NT system.

OS Study Material

Text Book : Operating System Concepts

Authors: Avi Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne

PPT and PDF of the Chapters( as listed in below table )

ChapterPowerpointLast Updated
Part 1: Overview
1. Introduction
Sep 21, 2013
2. Operating-System Structures
Sep 21, 2013
Part 2: Process Management
3. Processes
Sep 21, 2013
4. Threads
Sep 21, 2013
5. Process Synchronization
Nov 28, 2013
6. CPU Scheduling
Sep 21, 2013
7. Deadlocks
Sep 21, 2013
Part 3: Memory Management
8. Main Memory
Sep 21, 2013
9. Virtual Memory
Sep 21, 2013
Part 4: Storage Management
10. Mass-Storage Structure
Sep 21, 2013
11. File-System Interface
Sep 21, 2013
12. File-System Implementation
Sep 21, 2013
13. I/O Systems
Sep 21, 2013
Part 5: Protection and Security
14. Protection
Sep 21, 2013
15. Security
Sep 21, 2013
Part 7: Advance Topicss
16. Virtual Machines
Sep 21, 2013
17. Distributed Systems
Sep 21, 2013
Part 6: Case Studies
18. The Linux System
Sep 21, 2013
19. Windows 7
Sep 21, 2013
20. Historical Perspective
No slides
Sep 21, 2013
B. The Mach System
No slides

The PPT's might have been updated in 2013 but these are the very fundamental concepts required to be learnt for any beginners in Operating System

Editor of this Blog Acknowledges: Text Book Operating System Concepts and
Authors -  Avi Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne

Note:  Readers are suggested to read Copyright Note of this text book at the given link

Operating System

Operating System

A System program that controls and Coordinate all activities of Computer System providing an interface to the user 

Image result for operating system

Can be Visualized in details as below figure
Image result for operating system

MBR Process